Lowerfield Farm

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

New piglets

Today we had some new piglets arrive from Adam Henson's farm. These are 3 Tamworths that have only just been weaned, so are a little under 10 weeks old. We had a dramatic few moments as one of them slipped out of the back of the pickup and headed for some undergrowth. I envisaged a few hours of trying to catch the slippery little fella or chasing him down miles of hedgerows, but fortunately I managed to distract him behind the greenhouse and John, who delivered them, sneaked up on him from behind and grabbed him securely.
My son's not mad about the experience of transferring piglets to their new home, as they squeal and squeal until they're released.
As you could guess from the photos, they're quite happy with bags of runaround space. They're now in a run next door to our older pigs and are getting used to each other. Once we send two of the older ones to the abattoir next week, I'll put them in with our Old Spot sow.    

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